Attorneys » Darwin

Darwin Select Insurance Company, a member of Allied World Assurance Group, is rated A (Excellent) VX by AM Best. While, Darwin has been writing lawyers professional liability insurance for several years, it has recently succeeded to the Great American lawyers professional liability program which has been operating for well over a decade.

The Darwin policy form has a number of unique features that make it an attractive option for lawyers and law firms nationwide. Consider the following:

  1. Consent to settle clause;
  2. Broad definition of covered "Legal Services" including in addition to services rendered as an attorney those performed in the following capacities:
    • Member, officer or director of a bar association, ethics, peer review, formal accreditation, or other similar board or committee;
    • Fiduciary, i.e., administrator, conservator, receiver, executor, guardian, trustee or escrow agent;
    • Arbitrator or mediator;
    • Presenter, publisher or author of legal research papers or articles; and
    • Notary Public.
  3. A broad definition of covered "Predecessor Firms" which includes any individual or entity to which the Named Insured law firm is the majority successor in interest;
  4. A broad definition of covered "Personal Injury" which includes abuse of process and malicious prosecution;
  5. Up to 10% ownership allowance as an exception to the outside interests exclusion; and
  6. Supplemental coverages including:
    • Coverage of up to $500 per attorney per day for earnings lost due to attendance at a trial, hearing or arbitration of a claim, subject to a maximum of $5,000 per claim and $20,000 for the entire policy period;
    • $20,000 coverage for the defense of disciplinary proceedings; and
    • Coverage up to the full policy limit of liability for claims based upon an insured's service as a director, officer or committee member of a non-profit organization.
  7. Automatic 60-day Extend Reporting Period ("tail coverage");
  8. Tail coverage options for 1, 2, 3, 5 year and unlimited periods calculated at 100%, 150%, 185%, 210% and 300% of expiring premium, respectively;
  9. Free retirement tail for individual attorneys in the firm who have been insured with Darwin for at least 3 years;
  10. Free disability tail for individual attorneys in the firm who have been insured with Darwin for at least 3 years and then become totally and permanently disabled;
  11. Free death tail for individual attorneys in the firm who pass away during the policy period;

The foregoing provides selected policy highlights only. Please refer to the policy form itself to determine the full scope of coverage.

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