Professional Fiduciary Association of California » NGA Membership Discount

We are pleased to announce an important premium cost savings initiative for PFAC members. Beginning in 2008 those who, in addition to being members of PFAC, also belong to the National Guardianship Association will now qualify for an additional 5% premium reduction on their professional liability insurance policies placed with Lloyd's of London through Dominion Insurance Services.

The rationale is that in establishing a professional liability/errors & omissions insurance program for PFAC members Lloyd's has sought to insure the professional cream of the crop. PFAC members consist predominantly of fiduciaries who are actively involved in supporting and improving their profession as well as honing their own professional skills. Underwriters view a member's involvement in the profession at the national level as a further demonstration of an applicant's commitment to the highest levels of professionalism. Thus, underwriters are quite willing to encourage, support and recognize such efforts with a premium discount.

Click here to apply for insurance.

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