Intellectual Property » Infringement Liability Coverage

Intellectual Property Infringement Liability Insurance protects against the potentially ruinous damages, settlements or defense costs involved in Intellectual Property infringement liability actions. The coverage we offer includes the following features:

Upon review of a completed Non-Binding Indication form underwriters should be able to issue a fairly accurate estimate of terms. If you would then like to proceed with obtaining a formal quote, the carrier would require the following: Upon receipt of this information underwriters would undertake an assessment and evaluation of the applicant's products and supporting Intellectual Property Rights. A detailed Underwriting Risk Review is required for a formal, bindable premium quotation. This review is subject to a one-time non-refunable administrative fee, payable in advance. The fee is usually in the range of $3000 - $5,000 for standard risks.


Samian IP Infringement Liability Non-Binding Indication Form