Professional Fiduciary Association of California » Premium Discounts for Professional Certification

In 2007, the PFAC began offering to its members a new professional liability insurance program underwritten by Lloyd's of London and administered through Dominion Insurance Services. One important program feature is the availability of significant premium discounts for those who have gone to the effort to earn either the Registered Guardian ("RG") or Master Guardian ("MG") certification through the Center for Guardianship Certification.

The RG designation qualifies the insured for a 5% premium discount, while a 10% discount applies to the MG certification. For firms with more than one professional fiduciary the higher of the two discounts applies to the firm as a whole, so long as there is at least one Master Guardian on staff.

Click here to apply for insurance.

Click here for more information about the certification programs offered through the Center for Guardianship Certification.